Prospective Applicant & Alumni Gathering Sunday, February 23, 2025 2:00pm - 4:00pm Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Home of Mike Campbell (3) 36136 North Center Street Clarksburg, CA Download Program Info Come enjoy gathering with alumni in Region 3! The event is also to welcome those interested in the application process and who would like to learn more about the California Agricultural Leadership Program. CALF staff will be in attendance to provide a brief program update. HOSTED BY Mike Campbell (3) Steve Heringer (9) Jeff Merwin (20) Tom Merwin (44), Alumni Council Region 3 Director David Ogilvie (52) Alumni are encouraged to bring a prospective applicant and a bottle of wine to share. RSVP AND QUESTIONS Mike Campbell / 530-574-2772 Tom Merwin / 916-201-1513